After you place your order, we will contact you with shipping instructions.
*Fee includes repair of one band. If there is more significant damage, please contact us before ordering. In the unlikely event we are unable to repair your ring, we will ship your ring back to you and refund $24.00 of the base fee. (The $10.00 we keep basically just covers the shipping back to you. If you insured the shipment back to you, that will also not be refunded.)
You may also optionally elect to have us place a band on the ring or weld the ring, so it does not come apart. If we band the ring with a metal band, you can cut off the band at any time. If we weld your ring, you will no longer be able to take it apart. If you choose not to have your ring banded or welded, we will place a temporary paper band around your ring, so that it does not come apart during shipping. You can remove the temporary band anytime.
If you have any questions or would like to know what additional costs your repair may incur, please click here to Contact Us or better yet, just email us at [email protected].